Objective C sample code?
I'm curious if anyone knows of any downloadable Objective C sample code for the gang of four design patterns out there? I am looking for working sample XCode projects and don't mind paying!
Incidentally, if you're looking for other languages, you could start here for Java or here for various languages
It's no Gang of Four but Apress has Pro Objective-C Design Patterns for iOS by Carlo Chung which has many of these patterns in it. Other than that, I'm not sure of one place that has so many of these patterns represented in Objective C.
The following link has covered some of the Design Patterns
6.1. KVO (Key Value Observing Pattern,associated with Observer)
6.2. Notification Style
generally used to solve some issues found while developing Applications.... http://www.raywenderlich.com/46988/ios-design-patterns
没有适用于设计模式的特定代码的书,但其中有一些实例非常有用,例如Clean Code和Clean Coder
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/61016.html上一篇: ConnectionLoss for / hbase +连接由对等重置?
下一篇: Objective C示例代码?