在WPF RichTextBox控件中,获取单词游标的方法是打开的

我想知道如何在WPF RichTextBox中获取当前游标所在的单词。 我知道RichTextBox具有选择属性。 但是,这只会给我在RichTextBox中突出显示的文本。 相反,我想知道即使整个单词没有突出显示,光标所在的单词也是如此。




private void testRTB_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        TextPointer start = testRTB.CaretPosition;  // this is the variable we will advance to the left until a non-letter character is found
        TextPointer end = testRTB.CaretPosition;    // this is the variable we will advance to the right until a non-letter character is found

        String stringBeforeCaret = start.GetTextInRun(LogicalDirection.Backward);   // extract the text in the current run from the caret to the left
        String stringAfterCaret = start.GetTextInRun(LogicalDirection.Forward);     // extract the text in the current run from the caret to the left

        Int32 countToMoveLeft = 0;  // we record how many positions we move to the left until a non-letter character is found
        Int32 countToMoveRight = 0; // we record how many positions we move to the right until a non-letter character is found

        for (Int32 i = stringBeforeCaret.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            // if the character at the location CaretPosition-LeftOffset is a letter, we move more to the left
            if (Char.IsLetter(stringBeforeCaret[i]))
            else break; // otherwise we have found the beginning of the word

        for (Int32 i = 0; i < stringAfterCaret.Length; ++i)
            // if the character at the location CaretPosition+RightOffset is a letter, we move more to the right
            if (Char.IsLetter(stringAfterCaret[i]))
            else break; // otherwise we have found the end of the word

        start = start.GetPositionAtOffset(-countToMoveLeft);    // modify the start pointer by the offset we have calculated
        end = end.GetPositionAtOffset(countToMoveRight);        // modify the end pointer by the offset we have calculated

        // extract the text between those two pointers
        TextRange r = new TextRange(start, end);
        String text = r.Text;

        // check the result
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("[" + text + "]");





以及preCaretString.LastIndexOf(" ")postCaretString.IndexOf(" ")加上其他分隔postCaretString.IndexOf(" ")来区分单词并获取子字符串。




不幸的是,没有简单的方法将字符放到插入位置的左侧/右侧。 我知道从RichTextBox中获取文本的唯一方法就是在这个答案中,这有点复杂。 但它会完成必要的。

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/61123.html

上一篇: Way to obtain the word cursor is on, in WPF RichTextBox Control

下一篇: Using GetLineStartPosition to get the end of a line in WPF RichTextBox