
I have a string like "0189", for which I need to generate all subsequences, but the ordering of the individual characters must be kept, ie, here 9 should not come before 0, 1 or 8. Ex: 0, 018, 01, 09, 0189, 18, 19, 019, etc.

Another example is "10292" for which subsequences would be: 1, 10, 02, 02, 09, 29, 92, etc. As you might have noticed '02' two times, since '2' comes twice in the given string. But again things like: 21, 01, 91 are invalid as order is to be maintained.

Any algorithm or psuedo code, which could be implemented in C/C++ would be appreciated!

I'd recommend using the natural correspondence between the power set of a sequence and the set of binary numbers from 0 to 2^n - 1 , where n is the length of the sequence.

In your case, n is 4, so consider 0 = 0000 .. 15 = 1111 ; where there is a 1 in the binary expression include the corresponding item from the sequence. To implement this you'll need bitshift and binary operations:

for (int i = 0; i < (1 << n); ++i) {
    std::string item;
    for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
        if (i & (1 << j)) {
            item += sequence[j];

Also consider how you'd handle sequences longer than can be covered by an int (hint: consider overflow and arithmetic carry).

Try a recursive approach:

  • the set of subsequences can be split into the ones containing the first character and the ones not containing it
  • the ones containing the first character are build by appending that character to the subsequences which don't contain it (+ the subsequence which contains only the first character itself)

  • 在Python中:

    In [29]: def subseq(s): return ' '.join((' '.join(''.join(x) for x in combs(s,n)) for n in range(1, len(s)+1)))
    In [30]: subseq("0189")
    Out[30]: '0 1 8 9 01 08 09 18 19 89 018 019 089 189 0189'
    In [31]: subseq("10292")
    Out[31]: '1 0 2 9 2 10 12 19 12 02 09 02 29 22 92 102 109 102 129 122 192 029 022 092 292 1029 1022 1092 1292 0292 10292'
    In [32]: 
    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/61502.html

    上一篇: 将树转换为反转树?

    下一篇: C ++