Remove all files for git commit?

Possible Duplicate:
Undo “git add”?

I made the mistake of running:

git add .

Which added important things such as .bashrc. Even though I run:

git rm .

When I run:

git push project master

Everything still is added. I've even reinstalled git, but I am still pestered by this. A solution I found was to start over and remove all the files from the commit. Are there any other things I could do to remove all the files from the commit?

You can use git reset to unstage changes, or even git reset --hard HEAD~ to blow away the most recent commit (careful with that one, it will not even keep your changes around.)


使用git reset


上一篇: 仅使用Git卸载新文件

下一篇: 删除所有git commit文件?