How can you undo the last git add?

Is it possible to unstage the last staged (not committed) change in git ? Suppose there were a lot of files in the current branch, some staged, some not. At some point, some foolish programmer accidentally executed:

git add -- .

...instead of:

git checkout -- .

Can this programmer now unstage his last changes with some magical git command? Or should he have committed before experimenting in the first place?

You can use git reset . This will 'unstage' all the files you've added after your last commit.

If you want to unstage only some files, use git reset -- <file 1> <file 2> <file n> .

Also it's possible to unstage some of the changes in files by using git reset -p .

You cannot undo the latest git add, but you can undo all add s since the last commit. git reset without a commit argument resets the index (unstages staged changes):

git reset

So the real answer to

Can this programmer now unstage his last changes with some magical git command?

is actually: No, you cannot unstage just the last git add .

That is if we interpret the question as in the following situation:

Initial file:

void foo() {


main() {

First change followed by git add :

void foo(int bar) {

main() {

Second change followed by git add :

void foo(int bar, String baz) {
    print("$bar $baz");

main() {
    foo(1337, "h4x0r");

In this case, git reset -p will not help, since its smallest granularity is lines. git doesn't know that about the intermediate state of:

void foo(int bar) {

main() {

any more.


上一篇: git状态显示已更改的文件,但git diff不显示

下一篇: 你怎么能撤消最后的git add?