Android Maven IntelliJ project with git submodules

We have a maven project with Git submodules contrib/holo-everywhere and contrib/ActionBarSherlock

Root pom.xml describes modules like that:


maven build from console works perfectly, but when project is improted into IntelliJ IDEA errors occurs.

Each and every pom.xml like contrib/ActionBarSherlock/actionbarsherlock/pom.xml can't resolve dependecy version from dependecy management in it's projects parent pom. In this case it's contrib/ActionBarSherlock/pom.xml





This happens only with these submodules that are in contrib dir. We have maven modules that depend on parent pom - their dependencies are resolved fine.

Is it a bug or should I import projects some other way?



上一篇: intellij Project make和Maven Compile之间的区别?

下一篇: Android Maven IntelliJ项目与git子模块