Windows 8 Metro Settings Flyouts don't seem to work in Javascript?

I've recently been trying to create a metro app for Windows 8 and tried to use settings flyout.

So I followed msdn quickstart:

However, I can't make it work.

Here's the part where I add the settings flyout:

function setupSettings() {
    app.onsettings = function (e) {
        e.detail.applicationcommands = { 'serv_changer': { title: 'Change Server', href: 'settings.html' } };

The function setupSettings is called only once when I press a button (so I can make sure it only gets executed once)

Here's my issue: after pressing the button, the "Change Server" link does appear. However, when I click on it, nothing happens and the side window just fades out.

Here are the things I tried so I know it's not one of these:

  • It is not the file missing. I tried to put a different file that didn't exist and an exception was thrown and the program crashed. Here, it does not crash.
  • The HTML is properly coded, as I tried to replace settings.html by one of Microsoft's example settings file.
  • I am having troubles figuring out why it does not work.

    Could somebody help (I can provide more code if needed) ?

    Thank you.

    In your settings.html page, make sure the data-win-control declaration includes setting the name of the commandId - this seems to be missing from the online example.


    If your js file declares the command as:

    e.detail.applicationcommands = { 'serv_changer': { title: 'Change Server', href: 'settings.html' } };

    ...then make sure your settings.html file references 'serv_changer':

    <div data-win-control="WinJS.UI.SettingsFlyout" data-win-options="{settingsCommandId:'serv_changer', width:'wide'}">

    on my app, I have slash slash in my href. so something like this href: '/settings.html'

    Also on your settings.html page make sure you have this data-win-control="WinJS.UI.SettingsFlyout"

    Replace your js function

    function setupSettings() {
        app.onsettings = function (e) {
            e.detail.applicationcommands = { 'serv_changer': { title: 'Change Server', href: 'settings.html' } };

    with this:

    function setupSettings(e) {
            e.detail.applicationcommands =
                    title: "Change Server",
                    href: "/settings.html"

    and also make sure serv_changer is referenced in your settings.html file:

    <div data-win-control="WinJS.UI.SettingsFlyout" data-win-options="{settingsCommandId:'serv_changer'}">

    上一篇: Windows 8应用程序,更改BackButtonStyle的颜色

    下一篇: Windows 8 Metro Flyouts在Javascript中似乎不起作用?