MVC bundle with Azure CDN

I have a web site to be hosted in Azure that has a lot of javascript and CSS but very small pages. I would like to have the javascript and the CSS delivered via a CDN.

Azure provides a really neat and convenient mechanism to allow this as described here

In short, you add the following code to your BundleConfig.cs

bundles.UseCdn = true;

var version = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Controllers.HomeController))
var cdnUrl = "{0}?v=" + version;

ScriptBundle scriptBundle = new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/xx", string.Format(cdnUrl, "bundles/xx"));

            "~/Scripts/jquery.watermark.js", ....

I have followed the instructions to the letter and on the surface it appears to work exactly as expected.

But I realised that the caching for these CDN provided resources is disabled. Every time the web page is requested the JS and the CSS are downloaded again - which defeats the purpose of the CDN altogether.

I have also included the following in the web.config

       <clientCache cacheControlMode="UseMaxAge" cacheControlMaxAge="15.00:00:00"/>

What am I missing here?

Thanks in advance.

Dave A


上一篇: 如何清除Azure CDN以刷新任何缓存的内容?

下一篇: MVC捆绑Azure CDN