JAXB generate XML element with package name
I am trying to generate a simple XML from POJO using JAXB. Here is my XML output:
This is invalid XML: element names cannot contain dots or spaces, or other punctuation... though -
is allowed. So this specific XML cannot be generated, with JAXB or otherwise (as it's not XML).
Instead, the JAXB thing to do is to use annotations on a package-info file which customise how namespacing of the element is handled (namespace prefixes, generating fully qualified names etc.).
That way you would end up with something like:
<ns:Customer xmlns:ns="com.some.pkg">
Example package-info.java file for com.some.pkg
@XmlSchema(namespace = "com.some.pkg",
xmlns = { @XmlNs(namespaceURI = "com.some.pkg", prefix = "ns") },
attributeFormDefault = XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED,
elementFormDefault = XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED)
package com.some.pkg;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNs;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema;
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/62972.html
上一篇: Haskell的有限域线性代数库
下一篇: JAXB生成包名称的XML元素