Hibernate criteria restriction on a property for all elements of a set

I have an entity with a set say like


Now I want to retrieve the libraries where ALL the books have a genre.

So I have something like this:

c.createCriteria("library", "library").createCriteria("books", "book");

If I execute the query I get the libraries where at least one book has a genre but I'd like hibernate to check the genre property for all the elements of the book set and return the libraries where ALL the elements satisfy the not null restriction.

Sorry for my English, I hope the problem is clear, any help is very much appreciated.


May be something like:

FROM Library library
WHERE not exists (SELECTbook from Book book 
    where book.description=null and book.id in (library.books)) ? 

Just an idea...

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/6308.html

上一篇: 在标准中使用左连接时的Hibernate Child Collection Limited

下一篇: 对集合中所有元素的属性的Hibernate条件限制