Backbone events not fired by a jquery click event inside the view

I cant figure out why the jquery click event to an event inside the view will not trigger..

I have a backbone view like this:

class TreeList extends Backbone.View
    el: "#tree-list"
        "click li span":"toggleTree"
        "click li .select":"selectChannel"
    template: _.template """
        <ul id="tree"></ul>
    initialize: =>
        $(@el).undelegate('li span', 'click');
        $(@el).undelegate('li .select', 'click');
        $("body").css "cursor", "progress"
    render: =>
        $(@el).html @template
        _.each @collection.models, (model) =>
            item = new TreeListItem model:model
            $("#tree").append item.render()
            if model.attributes.selected
                            console.log($("##{model.attributes.ChannelID} .select"))
                $("##{model.attributes.ChannelID} .select")[0].click() # this event is never fired (selectChannel event)
        return this
    toggleTree: (e) =>
        console.log "toggle tree"
    selectChannel: (e) =>
        console.log "selet channel"

As you can see Im calling a click event on the element witch fires a toggleTree event when I click on it, but not with the jquery click method.

The console.log of that element:

[i.icon-check-empty select, prevObject: x.fn.x.init[1], context: document, selector: "#d972c967-6b56-40b5-99c9-a25300c03341 .select", jquery: "1.10.2", constructor: function…]

setting the background of the element to black does work..

$("##{model.attributes.ChannelID} .select").css

Can any one shed some light why this is happening?

I think the element was not added to the DOM tree. Your code is:

$("#tree").append item.render()

You should have done the following:

$("#tree").append item.render().el

And the reason why you get a false presence is that you check it using


Your views of the model were rendered but never added to DOM Tree. I think the best to check if a component exist in your DOM tree is to right click on your "Tree" and use "Inspect Element" function in Firefox or Chrome.


上一篇: 为什么骨干视图触发两次更改事件?

下一篇: 骨干事件没有被视图内的jquery点击事件触发