Xcode 3.1.2 locks up when loading C++ project...?

I have a project which builds correctly from the command line. On one of my Macs (10.5) running Xcode 3.1.2, I can load it and build it in the Xcode IDE. On my other Mac (same configuration of software), Xcode sometimes loads the project, but always locks up with a spinning beach ball at some point before the build is done. Sometimes this occurs as the project is loaded, sometimes late in the build.

I've tried doing a 'clean' on the project, I've tried pulling in the source code fresh from source control. So far, no luck -- I have to kill Xcode and in effect, cannot develop on this particular Mac. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Xcode.

Any clues?


我终于通过删除〜/ Library / Caches / com.apple.Xcode中的Xcode缓存来实现它

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/63294.html

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