

我想修改BFS算法以获得包含字母'c','o','d','e'的最短路径。 这四者之间可能还有其他字母。 你有起始节点'a'和结束节点'b'。 您可以假定这总是一个包含这四个字母的路径。 我如何修改BFS以满足这种情况?


  • 找到从ac的最短路径
  • 找到从co的最短路径
  • 找到从od的最短路径
  • 找到从de的最短路径
  • 找到从eb的最短路径
  • 连接上述5个路径,这导致从ab的一条路径。
  • 以下是Python中的一个实现:

    class Node:
        def __init__(self, name):
            self.name = name
            self.neighbors = []
        def link(self, node): 
            # The edge is undirected: implement it as two directed edges
        def shortestPathTo(self, target):
            # A BFS implementation which retains the paths
            queue = [[self]]
            visited = set()
            while len(queue):
                path = queue.pop(0) # Get next path from queue (FIFO)
                node = path[-1] # Get last node in that path
                for neighbor in node.neighbors:
                    if neighbor == target:
                        # Found the target node. Return the path to it
                        return path + [target]
                    # Avoid visiting a node that was already visited
                    if not neighbor in visited:
                        queue.append(path + [neighbor])
    # Create the nodes of the graph (indexed by their names)
    graph = {}
    for letter in 'abcdefo':
        graph[letter] = Node(letter)
    # Create the undirected edges
    for start, end in ['ab','ae','bc','be','bo','df','ef','fo']:
    # Concatenate the shortest paths between each of the required node pairs 
    start = 'a'
    path = [graph['a']]
    for end in ['c','o','d','e','b']:
        path.extend( graph[start].shortestPathTo(graph[end])[1:] )
        start = end
    # Print result: the names of the nodes on the path
    print([node.name for node in path])



    ['a', 'b', 'c', 'b', 'o', 'f', 'd', 'f', 'e', 'b']
    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/63505.html

    上一篇: How can I use BFS to get a path containing some given nodes in order?

    下一篇: Shortest path crossing unique x points