OpenStreetMap Geocoder other than Nominatim

Are there any other geocoders that are built to use OpenStreetMap data other than Nominatim? I've looked at Nominatim but am unfamiliar with PHP and would like to find or build a geocoder in .Net/ASP that uses OSM data. Would like to find an open source one as a starting point but if there aren't any others is there someone that can explain how it works so I can implement my own. I would like it in .Net instead of using the PHP version so I can customize and extend it which I'm unable to do in PHP. After I get it working in .Net I would like to open source it as I have not found a good geocoder that runs on OSM data that was made for .Net

There is a similar question here: How do I do geocoding and routing with OpenStreetMap?. The answer there mentions

But to answer your question directly: the (apparently official) list of search engines (which includes geocoders) is kept at After Nominatim, seems (on a brief look) to be the next best bet.


上一篇: 如何更改Nominatim的反向地理编码行为?

下一篇: 除Nominatim以外的OpenStreetMap Geocoder