quality PRNG with only 32 bits of state

I'm trying to implement a tolerable-quality version of the rand_r interface, which has the unfortunate interface requirement that its entire state is stored in a single object of type unsigned , which for my purposes means exactly 32 bits. In addition, I need its output range to be [0,2³¹-1] . The standard solution is using a LCG and dropping the low bit (which has the shortest period), but this still leaves very poor periods for the next few bits.

My initial thought was to use two or three iterations of the LCG to generate the high/low or high/mid/low bits of the output. However, such an approach does not preserve the non-biased distribution; rather than each output value having equal frequency, many occur multiple times, and some never occur at all.

Since there are only 32 bits of state, the period of the PRNG is bounded by 2³², and in order to be non-biased, the PRNG must output each value exactly twice if it has full period or exactly once if it has period 2³¹. Shorter periods cannot be non-biased.

Is there any good known PRNG algorithm that meets these criteria?

One good (but probably not the fastest) possibility, offering very high quality, would be to use a 32-bit block cipher in CTR mode. Basically, your RNG state would simply be a 32-bit counter that gets incremented by one for each RNG call, and the output would be the encryption of that counter value using the block cipher with some arbitrarily chosen fixed key. For extra randomness, you could even provide a (non-standard) function to let the user set a custom key.

There aren't a lot of 32-bit block ciphers in common use, since such a short block size introduces problems for cryptographic use. (Basically, the birthday paradox lets you distinguish the output of such a cipher from a random function with a non-negligible probability after only about 216 = 65536 outputs, and after 232 outputs the non-randomness obviously becomes certain.) However, some ciphers with an adjustable block size, such as XXTEA or HPC, will let you go down to 32 bits, and should be suitable for your purposes.

( Edit: My bad, XXTEA only goes down to 64 bits. However, as suggested by CodesInChaos in the comments, Skip32 might be another option. Or you could build your own 32-bit Feistel cipher.)

The CTR mode construction guarantees that the RNG will have a full period of 232 outputs, while the standard security claim of (non-broken) block ciphers is essentially that it is not computationally feasible to distinguish their output from a random permutation of the set of 32-bit integers. (Of course, as noted above, such a permutation is still easily distinguished from a random function taking 32-bit values.)

Using CTR mode also provides some extra features you may find convenient (even if they're not part of the official API you're developing against), such as the ability to quickly seek into any point in the RNG output stream just by adding or subtracting from the state.

On the other hand, you probably don't want to follow the common practice of seeding the RNG by just setting the internal state to the seed value, since that would cause the output streams generated from nearby seeds to be highly similar (basically just the same stream shifted by the difference of the seeds). One way to avoid this issue would be to add an extra encryption step to the seeding process, ie to encrypt the seed with the cipher and set the internal counter value equal to the result.

Elaborating on my comment...

A block cipher in counter mode gives a generator in approximately the following form (except using much bigger data types):

uint32_t state = 0;
uint32_t rand()
    state = next(state);
    return temper(state);

Since cryptographic security hasn't been specified (and in 32 bits it would be more or less futile), a simpler, ad-hoc tempering function should do the trick.

One approach is where the next() function is simple (eg., return state + 1; ) and temper() compensates by being complex (as in the block cipher).

A more balanced approach is to implement LCG in next() , since we know that it also visits all possible states but in a random(ish) order, and to find an implementation of temper() which does just enough work to cover the remaining problems with LCG.

Mersenne Twister includes such a tempering function on its output. That might be suitable. Also, this question asks for operations which fulfill the requirement.

I have a favourite, which is to bit-reverse the word, and then multiply it by some constant (odd) number. That may be overly complex if bit-reverse isn't a native operation on your architecture.

A 32-bit maximal-period Galois LFSR might work for you. Try:

r = (r >> 1) ^ (-(r & 1) & 0x80200003);

The one problem with LFSRs is that you can't produce the value 0. So this one has a range of 1 to 2^32-1. You may want to tweak the output or else stick with a good LCG.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/6362.html

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