Where does Nominatim get its address info?

Till now, I was using the Nominatim API to fetch landmark information from but recently, I've downloaded the OpenStreetMaps database, and tried to make my own dataset, so I would not rely so heavily on Nominatim services. I managed to extract from the OSM database the needed information (nodes tagged with amenity for example), but I realized, that while I was querying for amenities through Nominatim, it returned a bunch of address info, which is nowhere to be found in the OSM database.


Reverse geocoding of a hotel from Spain using Nominatim: http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=xml&osm_type=N&osm_id=1207098527

The data that is attached to the same node used to reverse geocode in OSM: http://open.mapquestapi.com/xapi/api/0.6/node/1207098527

While Nominatim gives me Suburb, Pedestrian, City, County, State, etc. information, this node in OSM contains only a name tag, and a tourism tag.

Does anyone know, where is Nominatim getting the additional data it uses to display its information from?

Nominatim does not just look at individual objects but gathers information from multiple objects instead. Look at the information Nominatim knows about "HOTEL LA MORADA MAS HERMOSA": There are:

  • the node, lacking all address information (feel free to improve this!, at least house number and street should be added)
  • a nearby street
  • the suburb the hotel is located in
  • the city
  • ... and so on.

    Remember, OSM is a spatial database. Instead of attaching all information to each individual object one can do spatial queries in order to gather various kinds of additional information.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/63626.html

    上一篇: 使用OpenStreetMap创建反向地理编码系统的选项

    下一篇: Nominatim在哪里获取地址信息?