pdf cover page stops rest of PDF generation
Working on a PDF and (in both development and production) the PDF will render only the cover page:
Debug shows the rest of the content, without the cover page:
This intermittently will render fine, or show subsequent pages without images (typical of when it does render), but mostly it just renders the cover. Disabling the cover in the controller action gets the other pages to render as expected. Here's the controller action (I have attachment disabled for development purposes):
def checklist
# PDF Checklist of issues from a lodge
@issues = @issueable.issues.non_event_issues.ordered_issues
@event_issues = @issueable.issues.event_issues.order(issue_number: :asc)
respond_to do |format|
format.pdf do
render pdf: "#{@issueable.slug}_checklist",
# disposition: 'attachment',
template: 'issues/checklist.pdf.erb',
cover: render_to_string('issues/checklist_cover.pdf.erb'),
dpi: '150',
background: true,
header: {html: {template: 'layouts/_checklist_header'}, spacing: 5 },
footer: {html: {template: 'layouts/_checklist_footer'}, spacing: 0 },
margin: {top: 30, bottom: 20, left: 10, right: 10},
show_as_html: params.key?('debug')
and here's is the output in development to wkhtmltopdf:
"***************["/Users/jathayde/Development/Meticulous/Products/patchvault/vendor/cache/ruby/2.4.0/gems/wkhtmltopdf-binary-", "-q", "--dpi", "150", "--margin-top", "30", "--margin-bottom", "20", "--margin-left", "10", "--margin-right", "10", "--header-spacing", "5", "--header-html", "file:////var/folders/25/q7y1f5px3xz8bw7sdzcyrz_c0000gn/T/wicked_header_pdf20180312-17436-12xyhl7.html", "--footer-spacing", "0", "--footer-html", "file:////var/folders/25/q7y1f5px3xz8bw7sdzcyrz_c0000gn/T/wicked_footer_pdf20180312-17436-eldx10.html", "cover", "/var/folders/25/q7y1f5px3xz8bw7sdzcyrz_c0000gn/T/wicked_cover_pdf20180312-17436-y1d6wy.html", "file:////var/folders/25/q7y1f5px3xz8bw7sdzcyrz_c0000gn/T/wicked_pdf20180312-17436-tr8hae.html", "/var/folders/25/q7y1f5px3xz8bw7sdzcyrz_c0000gn/T/wicked_pdf_generated_file20180312-17436-18ftq2q.pdf"]***************"
The cover is a full HTML page as it wouldn't render styles without being one and calling the CSS file.
Software notes:
上一篇: 孩子(1):包含('a')的工作?
下一篇: PDF封面页停止PDF生成的其余部分