Firefox firing dragleave when dragging over text

I'm attempting to track a dragenter/leave for the entire screen, which is so far working fine in Chrome/Safari, courtesy of the draghover plugin from as in:

$.fn.draghover = function(options) {
    return this.each(function() {

        var collection = $(),
            self = $(this);

        self.on('dragenter', function(e) {
            if (collection.size() === 0) {
            collection = collection.add(;

        self.on('dragleave drop', function(e) {
            // timeout is needed because Firefox 3.6 fires the dragleave event on
            // the previous element before firing dragenter on the next one
            setTimeout( function() {
                collection = collection.not(;
                if (collection.size() === 0) {
            }, 1);

function setText(text) {

$(document).ready(function() {
        'draghoverstart': function() {
        'draghoverend': function() {

However Firefox is still giving me problems when I drag over text items, here's a fiddle to demonstrate:

Is this a Firefox bug or can this be tamed with JS? Or is there a more robust method for performing all of this?


UPDATE: Updated fiddle to to reduce clutter a bit. To explain the expected behavior of the fiddle:

  • Drag a file into the window and should be "ENTER" colored yellow.
  • Drag a file out of the window and should be "LEAVE" colored red.
  • Drop a file in the window and should be "LEAVE" colored red.
  • In firefox, the LEAVE event is triggered when you drag the file over text.

    As of version 22.0 Firefox is still doing this. When you drag over a text node it fires two kinds of dragenter and dragleave events: one where the event target and relatedTarget are BOTH the parent element of the text node, and another where the target is the parent element and the relatedTarget is the actual text node (not even a proper DOM element).

    The workaround is just to check for those two kinds of events in your dragenter and dragleave handlers and ignore them:

    try {
        if(event.relatedTarget.nodeType == 3) return;
    } catch(err) {}
    if( === event.relatedTarget) return;

    I use a try/catch block to check the nodeType because occasionally events fire (inexplicably) from outside the document (eg. in other iframes) and trying to access their nodeType throws a permissions error.

    Here's the implementation:

    I came up with kind of a solution, yet to test on other browsers other than Chrome and FF but working so far. This is how the setTimeout looks now:

    setTimeout( function() {
        var isChild = false;
        // in order to get permission errors, use the try-catch
        // to check if the relatedTarget is a child of the body
        try {
            isChild = $('body').find(e.relatedTarget).length ? true : isChild;
        catch(err){} // do nothing
        collection = collection.not(;
        if (collection.size() === 0 && !isChild) {
    }, 1);

    The entire code here -

    The idea is to check if the related tag is a child of the body, in which case we are still in the Browsers and the draghoverend event should be not triggered. As this can throw errors when moving out of the windows, I used a try method to avoid it.

    Well, perhaps somebody with more skills on JS could improve this :)

    1) Your dropzone should have only one child element, which might have everything else you need. Something like

    <div id="#dropzone">
        <div><!--Your contents here--></div>

    2) Use this CSS:

    #dropzone * { pointer-events: none; }

    You might need to include the :before and :after since the * don't apply to them.

    This should be enough to let the drop work in Firefox and Chrome. In your example, it should be enough to add:

    body * { pointer-events: none; }

    At the end of the CSS. I've done it here:

  • Other examples:

  • 链接地址:

    上一篇: 滚动时使用html5拖放

    下一篇: 拖动文本时,Firefox会触发dragleave