Best practices to test protected methods with PHPUnit
I found the discussion on Do you test private method informative.
I have decided, that in some classes, I want to have protected methods, but test them. Some of these methods are static and short. Because most of the public methods make use of them, I will probably be able to safely remove the tests later. But for starting with a TDD approach and avoid debugging, I really want to test them.
I thought of the following:
Which is best practice? Is there anything else?
It seems, that JUnit automatically changes protected methods to be public, but I did not have a deeper look at it. PHP does not allow this via reflection.
如果您将PHP5(> = 5.3.2)与PHPUnit一起使用,那么可以使用反射将它们设置为在运行测试之前公开,以测试您的私有和受保护的方法:
protected static function getMethod($name) {
$class = new ReflectionClass('MyClass');
$method = $class->getMethod($name);
return $method;
public function testFoo() {
$foo = self::getMethod('foo');
$obj = new MyClass();
$foo->invokeArgs($obj, array(...));
You seem to be aware already, but I'll just restate it anyway; It's a bad sign, if you need to test protected methods. The aim of a unit test, is to test the interface of a class, and protected methods are implementation details. That said, there are cases where it makes sense. If you use inheritance, you can see a superclass as providing an interface for the subclass. So here, you would have to test the protected method (But never a private one). The solution to this, is to create a subclass for testing purpose, and use this to expose the methods. Eg.:
class Foo {
protected function stuff() {
// secret stuff, you want to test
class SubFoo extends Foo {
public function exposedStuff() {
return $this->stuff();
Note that you can always replace inheritance with composition. When testing code, it's usually a lot easier to deal with code that uses this pattern, so you may want to consider that option.
teastburn has the right approach. Even simpler is to call the method directly and return the answer:
class PHPUnitUtil
public static function callMethod($obj, $name, array $args) {
$class = new ReflectionClass($obj);
$method = $class->getMethod($name);
return $method->invokeArgs($obj, $args);
You can call this simply in your tests by:
$returnVal = PHPUnitUtil::callMethod(
array($arg1, $arg2)
上一篇: 如何使用phpunit运行单一测试方法?