Multiple port server with Netty 4?
I want to bind two server socket (eg. port 8000, 8001) within one Netty application.
I tried to merge DiscardServer and EchoServer example to test.
But in the first server initialization code,
ChannelFuture f = bootstrap1.bind(port).sync();; // <-- program blocks here
The program execution blocks so the second server initialization code can't reach.
How can I start two different port servers with Netty 4.0?
只是评论这个条款; // <-- program blocks here
I found a answer about listen multi-port service
Please Reading : Netty 4.0 on multiple ports with multiple protocols?
链接地址:上一篇: Netty中绑定和连接的socketchannelState之间的区别
下一篇: 带Netty 4的多端口服务器?