Omniauth authorization call with Ajax

I have omniauth working fine in my Rails 3 app when using it as a link:

link_to("Connect Twitter", "/auth/twitter", :id => "connect-to-twitter")

Now I want to call '/auth/twitter' through ajax. However, nothing is returned after the request phase. Here is the last log entry:

Started GET "/auth/twitter" for at 2012-10-30 17:53:02 -0700
(twitter) Request phase initiated.

Here is my ajax code (in Coffeescript):

$("#connect-to-twitter").live("click", ->
  alert('get twitter')
  $.get('/auth/twitter', (data) ->
  return false

(I know this question has been asked before here, but I haven't seen any real answer to it.)

I know the question is bit old but I'll still answer it . After facing the issue for and looking to achieve the same what the OP intended to I did this

I wrote a middleware and inserted in right above the Omniauth here how the middleware look

class OmniAuthMiddleware
  def initialize(app)
    @app = app

  def call(env)
    status, headers, body =
    request =
    if request.xhr? and status == 302 and request.path_info =~ //auth/w+z/ and body.class == Rack::BodyProxy
      location = headers["Location"]
      body =
      headers = {'Content-Type'=>'text/javascript; charset=utf-8'}
      body.body = ["window.location.href='#{location}'"]
      body.headers = headers
      status = 200

And here how I insert by middleware in the middleware stack

Rails.application.config.middleware.insert_before OmniAuth::Builder,OmniAuthMiddleware

Here how my middleware stack look

use Warden::Manager
use Rack::Mongoid::Middleware::IdentityMap
use ExceptionNotifier
use OmniAuthMiddleware
use OmniAuth::Builder
run PoasterApi::Application.routes

With this I was able to achieve what I wanted

Note : I haven't found any info about ajax stuff in the Omniauth doc and since I was running against time hence I implemented this fix (since a google search never gave me a favourable answer) . It could be possible that Omniauth support ajax response as well but as said I was not able to find one in the documentation . The answer is for those users who wish to implement the exact same functionality but just not sure how to achieve it in Omniauth .

I'm still looking at Omniauth to find if their exist a way to do this directly in Omniauth by setting/tweaking the configuration

Hope this help

Two things: First, since you're using localhost, you'll have to set the port number (assuming 3000), so the endpoint should be localhost:3000 . Secondly, you also have to set a redirect, which should also be localhost:3000 .


上一篇: Active Directory组成员资格检查.Net 4.5

下一篇: 使用Ajax进行Omniauth授权调用