Django strange icontains behaviour in development

I have been getting some strange behaviour using icontains on my development server. I have a complex query which has been returning some strange results (not the expected number). I drilled down to find the problem seems to be with icontains .

First off, here is the mysql output of part of the query I want to run in Django:

mysql> select * from species where en_name RLIKE 'tortoise';
| id    | en_name                          |
| 16215 | Santa Cruz Galapagos Tortoise    |
| 16214 | Floreana Galapagos Tortoise      |
| 16213 | Volcan Darwin Galapagos Tortoise |
| 16211 | Sierra Negra Galapagos Tortoise  |
| 16210 | Pinzon Galapagos Tortoise        |
| 16209 | Santiago Galapagos Tortoise      |
|   738 | River Tortoise                   |
| 16207 | Volcan Wolf Galapagos Tortoise   |
| 16206 | Pinta Galapagos Tortoise         |
| 16216 | Fernandina Galapagos Tortoise    |
| 16217 | Santa Fe Galapagos Tortoise      |
| 16218 | Alcedo Galapagos Tortoise        |
| 16219 | Cerro Azul Galapagos Tortoise    |
| 16220 | Rabida Galapagos Tortoise        |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)

When I drop into the Django shell and run:

query_set = Species.objects.filter(en_name__icontains='tortoise')

I get a single result:

>>> for i in query_set:
...     print i.en_name   
River Tortoise 

At a guess I would say it is something to do with the number of whitespaces in the en_name string (River Tortoise has one whereas the others have >1). I have also heard that icontains can behave differently in development and production.

Can anyone shed some light on this?


query_set = Species.objects.filter(en_name__regex='tortoise')

上一篇: 只在Django查询中匹配单词

下一篇: Django在开发中的奇怪icontains行为