TSQL foreign keys on views?

I have a SQL-Server 2008 database and a schema which uses foreign key constraints to enforce referential integrity. Works as intended. Now the user creates views on the original tables to work on subsets of the data only. My problem is that filtering certain datasets in some tables but not in others will violate the foreign key constraints.
Imagine two tables "one" and "two". "one" contains just an id column with values 1,2,3. "Two" references "one". Now you create views on both tables. The view for table "two" doesn't filter anything while the view for table "one" removes all rows but the first. You'll end up with entries in the second view that point nowhere.

Is there any way to avoid this? Can you have foreign key constraints between views?

Some Clarification in response to some of the comments:
I'm aware that the underlying constraints will ensure integrity of the data even when inserting through the views. My problem lies with the statements consuming the views. Those statements have been written with the original tables in mind and assume certain joins cannot fail. This assumption is always valid when working with the tables - but views potentially break it.
Joining/checking all constraints when creating the views in the first place is annyoing because of the large number of referencing tables. Thus I was hoping to avoid that.

Peter already hit on this, but the best solution is to:

  • Create the "main" logic (that filtering the referenced table) once.
  • Have all views on related tables join to the view created for (1), not the original table.
  • Ie,

      (SELECT NULL FROM v1 WHERE v1.id = table2.FKtoTable1)

    Sure, syntactic sugar for propagating filters for views on one table to views on subordinate tables would be handy, but alas, it's not part of the SQL standard. That said, this solution is still good enough -- efficient, straightforward, maintainable, and guarantees the desired state for the consuming code.

    I love your question. It screams of familiarity with the Query Optimizer, and how it can see that some joins are redundant if they serve no purpose, or if it can simplify something knowing that there is at most one hit on the other side of a join.

    So, the big question is around whether you can make a FK against the CIX of an Indexed View. And the answer is no.

    create table dbo.testtable (id int identity(1,1) primary key, val int not null);
    create view dbo.testview with schemabinding as
    select id, val
    from dbo.testtable
    where val >= 50
    insert dbo.testtable
    select 20 union all
    select 30 union all
    select 40 union all
    select 50 union all
    select 60 union all
    select 70 
    create unique clustered index ixV on dbo.testview(id);
    create table dbo.secondtable (id int references dbo.testview(id));

    All this works except for the last statement, which errors with:

    Msg 1768, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
    Foreign key 'FK__secondtable__id__6A325CF7' references object 'dbo.testview' which is not a user table.

    So the Foreign key must reference a user table.

    But... the next question is about whether you could reference a unique index that is filtered in SQL 2008, to achieve a view-like FK.

    And still the answer is no.

    create unique index ixUV on dbo.testtable(val) where val >= 50;

    This succeeded.

    But now if I try to create a table that references the val column

    create table dbo.thirdtable (id int identity(1,1) primary key, val int not null check (val >= 50) references dbo.testtable(val));

    (I was hoping that the check constraint that matched the filter in the filtered index might help the system understand that the FK should hold)

    But I get an error saying:

    There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table 'dbo.testtable' that matching the referencing column list in the foreign key 'FK__thirdtable__val__0EA330E9'.

    If I drop the filtered index and create a non-filtered unique non-clustered index, then I can create dbo.thirdtable without any problems.

    So I'm afraid the answer still seems to be No.

    It took me some time to figure out the misunderstaning here -- not sure if I still understand completely, but here it is. I will use an example, close to yours, but with some data -- easier for me to think in these terms.

    So first two tables; A = Department B = Employee

    CREATE TABLE Department
       DepartmentID int PRIMARY KEY
      ,DepartmentName varchar(20)
      ,DepartmentColor varchar(10)
    CREATE TABLE Employee
       EmployeeID int PRIMARY KEY
      ,EmployeeName varchar(20)
      ,DepartmentID int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Department ( DepartmentID )

    Now I'll toss some data in

    INSERT  INTO Department
      ( DepartmentID, DepartmentName, DepartmentColor )
     SELECT 1, 'Accounting', 'RED' UNION
     SELECT 2, 'Engineering', 'BLUE' UNION
     SELECT 3, 'Sales', 'YELLOW'  UNION
     SELECT 4, 'Marketing', 'GREEN' ;
    INSERT  INTO Employee
      ( EmployeeID, EmployeeName, DepartmentID )
     SELECT 1, 'Lyne', 1 UNION
     SELECT 2, 'Damir', 2 UNION
     SELECT 3, 'Sandy', 2 UNION
     SELECT 4, 'Steve', 3 UNION
     SELECT 5, 'Brian', 3 UNION
     SELECT 6, 'Susan', 3 UNION
        SELECT 7, 'Joe', 4 ;

    So, now I'll create a view on the first table to filter some departments out.

    CREATE VIEW dbo.BlueDepartments
    SELECT * FROM dbo.Department
    WHERE DepartmentColor = 'BLUE'

    This returns

    DepartmentID DepartmentName       DepartmentColor
    ------------ -------------------- ---------------
    2            Engineering          BLUE

    And per your example, I'll add a view for the second table which does not filter anything.

    CREATE VIEW dbo.AllEmployees
    SELECT * FROM dbo.Employee

    This returns

    EmployeeID  EmployeeName         DepartmentID
    ----------- -------------------- ------------
    1           Lyne                 1
    2           Damir                2
    3           Sandy                2
    4           Steve                3
    5           Brian                3
    6           Susan                3
    7           Joe                  4

    It seems to me that you think that Employee No 5, DepartmentID = 3 points to nowhere?

    "You'll end up with entries in the second view that point nowhere."

    Well, it points to the Department table DepartmentID = 3 , as specified with the foreign key. Even if you try to join view on view nothing is broken:

    SELECT  e.EmployeeID
    FROM    dbo.AllEmployees AS e
            JOIN dbo.BlueDepartments AS d ON d.DepartmentID = e.DepartmentID
            ORDER BY e.EmployeeID


    EmployeeID  EmployeeName         DepartmentID DepartmentName       DepartmentColor
    ----------- -------------------- ------------ -------------------- ---------------
    2           Damir                2            Engineering          BLUE
    3           Sandy                2            Engineering          BLUE   

    So nothing is broken here, the join simply did not find matching records for DepartmentID <> 2 This is actually the same as if I join tables and then include filter as in the first view:

    SELECT  e.EmployeeID
    FROM    dbo.Employee AS e
            JOIN dbo.Department AS d ON d.DepartmentID = e.DepartmentID
            WHERE d.DepartmentColor = 'BLUE'
         ORDER BY e.EmployeeID

    Returns again:

    EmployeeID  EmployeeName         DepartmentID DepartmentName       DepartmentColor
    ----------- -------------------- ------------ -------------------- ---------------
    2           Damir                2            Engineering          BLUE
    3           Sandy                2            Engineering          BLUE

    In both cases joins do not fail, they simply do as expected.

    Now I will try to break the referential integrity through a view (there is no DepartmentID= 127)

    INSERT  INTO dbo.AllEmployees
          ( EmployeeID, EmployeeName, DepartmentID )
    VALUES( 10, 'Bob', 127 )

    And this results in:

    Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
    The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__Employee__Depart__0519C6AF". The conflict occurred in database "Tinker_2", table "dbo.Department", column 'DepartmentID'.

    If I try to delete a department through the view

    DELETE FROM dbo.BlueDepartments
    WHERE DepartmentID = 2

    Which results in:

    Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
    The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK__Employee__Depart__0519C6AF". The conflict occurred in database "Tinker_2", table "dbo.Employee", column 'DepartmentID'.

    So constraints on underlying tables still apply.

    Hope this helps, but then maybe I misunderstood your problem.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/65884.html

    上一篇: 一个外键引用了不同表的两个主键?

    下一篇: 视图上的TSQL外键?