Cant get permissions right to run uWSGI Emperor
I'm having a hell of a time trying to get Ubuntu + uWSGI + nginx running as my web server.
Below are my configs, and the information that is in my emperor.log file:
nginx config:
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
charset utf-8;
client_max_body_size 5M;
location / { try_files $uri @cc; }
location @cc {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix:/tmp/cc/cc_uwsgi.sock;
uwsgi config:
base = /srv/www/cc
app = hello
module = %(app)
socket = /tmp/cc/%n.sock
chmod-socket = 664
uid = www-data
gid = www-data
callable = app
logto = /var/log/uwsgi/%n.log
emperor config:
description "uWSGI"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [06]
env UWSGI=/home/ccadmin/.local/bin/uwsgi
env LOGTO=/var/log/uwsgi/emperor.log
exec $UWSGI --master --emperor /etc/uwsgi/vassals --die-on-term --uid www-data --gid www-data --logto $LOGTO
However with this configuration my emperor.log file says:
execvp(): Permission denied [core/emperor.c line 1481]
[emperor] binary path: /home/ccadmin/.local/bin/uwsgi
[emperor] is the uwsgi binary in your system PATH ?
TIME STAMP - [emperor] curse the uwsgi instance cc_uwsgi.ini (pid: ####)
TIME STAMP - [emperor] removed uwsgi instance cc_uwsgi.ini
If I change the --uid and --gid to root, then it all works fine. It must be some simple permission thing, but being new to linux, I'm finding it very hard to pinpoint.
Also strange that it is asking me about the uwsgi binary in my system path... is it supposed to be there? Because i have added /home/ccadmin/.local/bin to my system path in /etc/environment. Should it not be there? or should it go all the way to the binary? (ie, adding /home/ccadmin/.local/bin/uwsgi insetad of just to /bin)
Did a couple things to make this work:
sudo chown -R ccadmin:www-data /home/ccadmin/
sudo chmod -R 774 /home/ccadmin/
Now the emperor has access to the uwsgi binary and all is good!
I am curious if the above is a security problem, though, not knowing much about linux.
链接地址:上一篇: UWSGI没有运行Django项目