adding an existing folder to clickonce deploy
i'd like to create a clickonce installation for my apllication in VS2012 c#.
my main project (startup project) doesn't include all projects reference because uses project dependencies. My output release is made through post build action. These post build actions create a release output tree directory (with several files and dll i need for installation) and i 'd like to maintein this configuration dir after deploy with clickonce.
i'd like to know if i can add my release dir in clickonce installation including all sub directory, withouth adding each file manually (to avoid manually maintain deploy manifest when adding new files to build). I would like to provide to clickonce just the root tree directory, supposing clickonce includes all sub folder in the deployed package.
have you any idea?
i have tried to install clickonce setup with my actual configuration but it doesn't work beacuse it is missing of all references in main project (I'm using dependencies to build all the projects) and so program starts loading main page but crash when calling missing dlls (that in visual studio enviroment works because are copied by post build action) i cannot add all reference in main project because i cannot change build configuration.
thanks a lot
have you tried going to:
if the file you require is not there: