How to Deserialize XML document
How do I Deserialize this XML document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
I have this:
public class Car
public string StockNumber{ get; set; }
public string Make{ get; set; }
public string Model{ get; set; }
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("Cars", Namespace = "", IsNullable = false)]
public class Cars
public Car[] Car { get; set; }
public class CarSerializer
public Cars Deserialize()
Cars[] cars = null;
string path = HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/") + "cars.xml";
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Cars[]));
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path);
cars = (Cars[])serializer.Deserialize(reader);
return cars;
that don't seem to work :-(
Here's a working version. I changed the XmlElementAttribute labels to XmlElement because in the xml the StockNumber, Make and Model values are elements, not attributes. Also I removed the reader.ReadToEnd(); (that function reads the whole stream and returns a string, so the Deserialze() function couldn't use the reader anymore...the position was at the end of the stream). I also took a few liberties with the naming :).
Here are the classes:
public class Car
public string StockNumber { get; set; }
public string Make { get; set; }
public string Model { get; set; }
public class CarCollection
[XmlArrayItem("Car", typeof(Car))]
public Car[] Car { get; set; }
The Deserialize function:
CarCollection cars = null;
string path = "cars.xml";
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CarCollection));
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path);
cars = (CarCollection)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
And the slightly tweaked xml (I needed to add a new element to wrap <Cars>...Net is picky about deserializing arrays):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
How about you just save the xml to a file, and use xsd?
xsd foo.xml
xsd foo.xsd /classes
Et voila - and C# code file that should be able to read the data via XmlSerializer
XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Cars));
Cars cars;
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(path))
cars = (Cars) ser.Deserialize(reader);
(include the generated foo.cs in the project)
You have two possibilities.
Method 1. XSD tool
Suppose that you have your XML file in this location
You can find it in
Start Menu > Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 > Visual Studio Tools
Or if you have Windows 8 can just start typing Developer Command Prompt in Start screen cd /D "C:pathtoxml"
xsd file.xml
xsd /c file.xsd
And that's it! You have generated C# classes from xml file in C:pathtoxmlfile.cs
Method 2 - Paste special
Required Visual Studio 2012+
Edit > Paste special > Paste XML As Classes
And that's it!
Usage is very simple with this helper class:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization; // Add reference: System.Web.Extensions
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
namespace Helpers
internal static class ParseHelpers
private static JavaScriptSerializer json;
private static JavaScriptSerializer JSON { get { return json ?? (json = new JavaScriptSerializer()); } }
public static Stream ToStream(this string @this)
var stream = new MemoryStream();
var writer = new StreamWriter(stream);
stream.Position = 0;
return stream;
public static T ParseXML<T>(this string @this) where T : class
var reader = XmlReader.Create(@this.Trim().ToStream(), new XmlReaderSettings() { ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document });
return new XmlSerializer(typeof(T)).Deserialize(reader) as T;
public static T ParseJSON<T>(this string @this) where T : class
return JSON.Deserialize<T>(@this.Trim());
All you have to do now, is:
public class JSONRoot
public catalog catalog { get; set; }
// ...
string xml = File.ReadAllText(@"D:file.xml");
var catalog1 = xml.ParseXML<catalog>();
string json = File.ReadAllText(@"D:file.json");
var catalog2 = json.ParseJSON<JSONRoot>();
上一篇: 使用XML声明一个自定义的android UI元素
下一篇: 如何反序列化XML文档