Changing an ExpressionEngine Plugin's Parse Order

I have the following ExpressionEngine code in a template:

{exp:hits:count_hits_image entry_id='{exp:test:getpage tag="id"}'}

Where exp:test is a plugin I created to get a channel entry's ID.

The problem I'm having is that exp:hits is being parsed before exp:test , which makes the whole tag disfunctional.

What can I do to tell ExpressionEngine to parse the inside tag first {exp:test} , before parsing the outside tag {exp:hits} ?

What you need to do is turn your plugin into a tag pair, so it works like this:

{exp:test:getpage tag="id" parse="inward"}
    {exp:hits:count_hits_image entry_id='{id}'}

In your plugin you'd do something like this:

$vars = array();
$vars[0]['id'] = $results->row('id');
return $this->EE->TMPL->parse_variables($this->EE->TMPL->tagdata, $vars);


{exp:hits:count_hits_image entry_id='{exp:test:getpage tag="id"}' parse="inward"}

上一篇: ExpressionEngine中的输出条目类别

下一篇: 更改ExpressionEngine插件的分析顺序