Can we use a font in iOS 6 if it's not included in iOS 5?

I would like to use the font "Avenir" which is included in iOS 6. Does that mean a device running iOS 5 won't be able to see the font? If so, is there a way to fallback on a different font if "Avenir" isn't available on their device?

You can choose the font you want to be used in iOS < 6 and assign it if necessary. Define a macro like this:

       ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedAscending)

and then you can do in your code:

NSString *fontName = @"Avenir";

   fontName = @"ArialMT";

You can find a list of supported fonts here:


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下一篇: 如果iOS 5中没有包含字体,我们可以在iOS 6中使用字体吗?