Ambiguous assignment in erlang using date & time

I'm following Programming in Erlang, Software for a concurrent world written by Joe Armstrong and I am trying to figure out what is asking me solve as an assignment at the end of the sequential chapter. Here is the assignment:

Look up the definitions of erlang:now/0 erlang:date/0 and erlang:time/0 . Write a function called `my_time_func(F), which evaluates the fun F and times how long it takes.

I don't understand what the assignment is asking me to do. Can you give me examples of the output given different arguments or maybe another explanation?


my_time_fun:my_time_fun(fun() -> io:format("hi!~n") end).
This function took 0 megaseconds, 0 seconds, and 54 microseconds to complete

上一篇: Erlang队列行为不一致

下一篇: 使用日期和时间在erlang中进行模糊赋值