I am not able to find the indexed data of the files during search Below are the steps I am following OS: Windows 7 Solr version: solr 5.2.1 Steps:
cd ..solr 5.2.1bin solr start -e techproducts Check if solr is up and running and core is visible. Search for the indexed files. Total 32 files exists and shown in the search result . cd ..solr-5.2.1exampleexampledocs curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/update/extract?literal.id=33&commit=true" -H "myfile=@example/exampledocs/test.pdf" Result: It shows successfully indexed and committed but the files returned from the search are still 32 files. try with other way of indexing ... java -Durl=http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/update/extract -Dparams=literal.id=33 -jar post.jar test.pdf It indexed and committed successfully Open solr GUI and do a search now 33 files returned , but can not see any information of the test.pdf file, meta data and data both not visible Restart the solr now we can see the data of the file Surprisingly instant commit worked for me just a day before with the same configuration, once I did delete all index, from then I am facing this problem not only with this solr instance for other solr instances in the same machine.
Below are the autocommit
config from solrconfig.xml
如何使用mongo将数据从mongodb导入到apache solr
即使提交后,Apache solr索引数据也不可见