How to import data from mongodb to apache solr using mongo

I am new to apache solr. I want to import data from mongodb to solr using mongo-connector for my search application. I followed steps from

I created replicaSet and replicaSet is running fine. I have also installed mongo-connector using pip install but when issue the following command:

mongo-connector -m localhost:27017 -t http://localhost:8983/solr -d solr_doc_manager

its not working. It is stuck at

Logging to mongo-connector.log.

This is the only line I am getting. How can I get rid of this problem?

The Logging to mongo-connector.log. is not the error , it indicates that the mongo connector is started logging to mongo-connector.log if you insert the data to mongodb , it starts pushing to solr


上一篇: 在SolrNet中使用Curl命令

下一篇: 如何使用mongo将数据从mongodb导入到apache solr