DropDownlist Selected Index changed not working in IE10

In IE 10, when a drop down list selected item is changed, nothing happens ie SelectedIndexChanged is not being fired. It works when I change to IE 10 Compatability View. Please suggest if anyone faced this issue. Thanks

I have followed http://www.hanselman.com/blog/BugAndFixASPNETFailsToDetectIE10CausingDoPostBackIsUndefinedJavaScriptErrorOrMaintainFF5ScrollbarPosition.aspx and added a App_Browser folder to my project. Manually added the .browser files. But still it is not working. Anything else is required to be done?


链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/67236.html

上一篇: .net DropDownList在IE中回传后丢失值

下一篇: DropDownlist选择索引更改不起作用在IE10中