Find contour/edge in pcolor in Matlab

I'm trying to make a contour that follows the edges of the 'pixels' in a pcolor plot in Matlab. This is probably best explained in pictures. Here is a plot of my data. There is a distinct boundary between the yellow data (data==1) and the blue data (data==0):


Note that this is a pcolor plot so each 'square' is essentially a pixel. I want to return a contour that follows the faces of the yellow data pixels, not just the edge of the yellow data.


So the output contour (green line) passes through the mid-points of the face (red dots) of the pixels.

Note that I don't want the contour to follow the centre points of the data (black dots), which would do something like this green line. This could be achieved easily with contour .


Also, if it's any help, I have a few grids which may be useful. I have the points in the middle of the pixels (obviously, as that's what I've plotted here), I also have the points on the corners, AND I have the points on the west/east faces and the north/south faces. IF you're familiar with Arakawa grids, this is an Arakawa-C grid, so I have the rho-, u-, v- and psi- points.

I've tried interpolation, interweaving grids, and a few other things but I'm not having any luck. Any help would be HUGELY appreciated and would stop me going crazy.

Cheers, Dave


Sorry, I simplified the images to make what I was trying to explain more obvious, but here is a larger (zoomed out) image of the region I'm trying to separate: 缩小图像

As you can see, it's a complex outline which heads in a "southwest" direction before wrapping around and moving back "northeast". And here is the red line that I'd like to draw, through the black points:


Take a look at the following code:

% plotting some data:
data = [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
    0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
    0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
    0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
    0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
    0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
    0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1];
p = pcolor(data);
axis ij
% compute the contour
x = size(data,2)-cumsum(data,2)+1;
x = x(:,end);
y = (1:size(data,1));
% compute the edges shift
Y = get(gca,'YTick');
y_shift = (Y(2)-Y(1))/2;
% plot it:
hold on

It produces this:

Is this what you look for?

The most important lines above is:

x = size(data,2)-cumsum(data,2)+1;
x = x(:,end);

which finds the place of shifting between 0 to 1 for every row ( assuming there is only one in a row ).

Then, within the plot I shift y by half of the distance between two adjacent y-axis tick, so they will be placed at the center of the edge.


After some trials with this kind of data, I have got this result:

axis ij
b = bwboundaries(data.','noholes');
x = b{1}(:,1);
y = b{1}(:,2);
X = reshape(bsxfun(@plus,x,[0 -0.5 0.5]),[],1);
Y = reshape(bsxfun(@plus,y,[0 0.5 -0.5]),[],1);
k = boundary(X,Y,1);
hold on

It's not perfect, but may get you closer to what you want in a more simple approach:


You can solve this with a couple of modifications to a solution I posted to a related question. I used a section of the sample image mask in the question for data . First, you will need to fill the holes in the mask, which you can do using imfill from the the Image Processing Toolbox:

x = 1:15;  % X coordinates for pixels
y = 1:17;  % Y coordinates for pixels
mask = imfill(data, 'holes');

Next, apply the method from my other answer to compute an ordered set of outline coordinates (positioned on the pixel corners):

% Create raw triangulation data:
[cx, cy] = meshgrid(x, y);
xTri = bsxfun(@plus, [0; 1; 1; 0], cx(mask).');
yTri = bsxfun(@plus, [0; 0; 1; 1], cy(mask).');
V = [xTri(:) yTri(:)];
F = reshape(bsxfun(@plus, [1; 2; 3; 1; 3; 4], 0:4:(4*nnz(mask)-4)), 3, []).';

% Trim triangulation data:
[V, ~, Vindex] = unique(V, 'rows');
V = V-0.5;
F = Vindex(F);

% Create triangulation and find free edge coordinates:
TR = triangulation(F, V);
freeEdges = freeBoundary(TR).';
xOutline = V(freeEdges(1, [1:end 1]), 1);  % Ordered edge x coordinates
yOutline = V(freeEdges(1, [1:end 1]), 2);  % Ordered edge y coordinates

Finally, you can get the desired coordinates at the centers of the pixel edges like so:

ex = xOutline(1:(end-1))+diff(xOutline)./2;
ey = yOutline(1:(end-1))+diff(yOutline)./2;

And here's a plot showing the results:

imagesc(x, y, data);
axis equal
set(gca, 'XLim', [0.5 0.5+size(mask, 2)], 'YLim', [0.5 0.5+size(mask, 1)]);
hold on;
plot(ex([1:end 1]), ey([1:end 1]), 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
plot(ex, ey, 'k.', 'LineWidth', 2);


OK, I think I've solved it... well close enough to be happy.

First I take the original data (which I call mask_rho and use this to make masks mask_u , mask_v , which is similar to mask_rho but is shifted slightly in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively.

%make mask_u and mask_v  
for i = 2:size(mask_rho,2)
for j = 1:size(mask_rho,1)
    mask_u(j, i-1) = mask_rho(j, i) * mask_rho(j, i-1);
for i = 1:size(mask_rho,2)
for j = 2:size(mask_rho,1)
    mask_v(j-1, i) = mask_rho(j, i) * mask_rho(j-1, i);

I then make modified masks mask_u1 and mask_v1 which are the same as mask_rho but averaged with the neighbouring points in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively.

%make mask which is shifted E/W (u) and N/S (v)
mask_u1 = (mask_rho(1:end-1,:)+mask_rho(2:end,:))/2;
mask_v1 = (mask_rho(:,1:end-1)+mask_rho(:,2:end))/2;

Then I use the difference between the masks to locate places where the masks change from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 in the horizontal direction (in the u mask) and in the vertical direction (in the v mask).

% mask_u-mask_u1 gives the NEXT row with a change from 0-1.
%now same for changes in mask_v
bnd_coords_cat = [lon_u_bnds,lon_v_bnds;lat_u_bnds,lat_v_bnds]'; %make into 2 cols, many rows

And the result grabs all the coordinates at the edges of the boundary:


Now my answer goes a bit awry. If I plot the above vector as points plot(bnd_coords_cat(:,1),bnd_coords_cat(:,2),'kx' I get the above image, which is fine. However, if I join the line, as in: plot(bnd_coords_cat(:,1),bnd_coords_cat(:,2),'-' then the line jumps around, as the points aren't sorted. When I do the sort (using sort and pdist2 ) to sort by closest points, Matlab sometimes chooses odd points... nevertheless I figured I'd include this code as an appendix, and optional extra. Someone may know a better way to sort the output vector bnds_coords_cat :

% now attempt to sort
bnd_coords_inc1 = bnd_coords_cat(I,1);
bnd_coords_inc2 = bnd_coords_cat(I,2);
bnd_coords = [bnd_coords_inc1,bnd_coords_inc2];
bnd_coords_dist = pdist2(bnd_coords,bnd_coords);
bnd_coords_sort = nan(1,size(bnd_coords,1));
for ii=2:size(bnd_coords,1)
 bnd_coords_dist(:,bnd_coords_sort(ii-1)) = Inf; %don't go backwards?
 [~,closest_idx] = min(bnd_coords_dist(bnd_coords_sort(ii-1),:));

Note that the pdist2 method was suggested by a colleague and also from this SO answer, Sort coordinates points in matlab. This is the final result:


To be honest, plotting without the line is fine. So as far as I'm concerned this is close enough to be answered!


上一篇: 很好的介绍.NET Reactive Framework

下一篇: 在Matlab中查找pcolor中的轮廓/边缘