

locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 120000, 0, this);

这工作正常,并按预期每2分钟调用onLocationChanged。 但是,似乎它每2分钟在一次10-40次(随机数)的秒范围内被多次调用。 我记录了onLocationChanged中收到的每个位置,因此以下是一些示例以了解发生了什么:


GPS 32.0 50.66318929195404 10.735434293746948 0.0 2010.08.07 17:30:10
GPS 32.0 50.66315710544586 10.735423564910889 0.0 2010.08.07 17:30:14
GPS 32.0 50.66314101219177 10.735418200492859 0.0 2010.08.07 17:30:17
GPS 32.0 50.66314101219177 10.735418200492859 0.0 2010.08.07 17:30:20
GPS 24.0 50.66313564777374 10.735418200492859 0.5 2010.08.07 17:30:24
GPS 32.0 50.663098096847534 10.735573768615723 0.0 2010.08.07 17:30:28         
GPS 32.0 50.663065910339355 10.735611319541931 0.0 2010.08.07 17:30:31



GPS 32.0 50.661821365356445 10.737022161483765 1.0 2010.08.07 17:32:39
GPS 16.0 50.66170871257782 10.737043619155884 1.8200275 2010.08.07 17:32:45
GPS 24.0 50.661579966545105 10.737027525901794 1.25 2010.08.07 17:32:50
GPS 16.0 50.66150486469269 10.73712408542633 1.0 2010.08.07 17:32:55
GPS 12.0 50.661579966545105 10.73715090751648 0.9013878 2010.08.07 17:33:01
GPS 24.0 50.66139221191406 10.737038254737854 1.5811388 2010.08.07 17:33:06
GPS 16.0 50.66141366958618 10.737301111221313 0.70710677 2010.08.07 17:33:12
GPS 16.0 50.66141366958618 10.737301111221313 0.70710677 2010.08.07 17:33:12
GPS 24.0 50.661311745643616 10.737070441246033 1.118034 2010.08.07 17:33:16
GPS 16.0 50.66122591495514 10.737177729606628 1.118034 2010.08.07 17:33:22
GPS 12.0 50.66124200820923 10.737220644950867 1.3462912 2010.08.07 17:33:26
GPS 12.0 50.661311745643616 10.737268924713135 3.6055512 2010.08.07 17:33:25


这是标准行为吗? 我期望每2分钟只能得到一个位置,而它给我位置更新的时间段似乎是随机的。 理想情况下,我宁愿只获得一个位置......有没有办法做到这一点?

requestLocationUpdates(String provider, long minTime, float minDistance, LocationListener listener)minTime参数:





我相信我有答案。 因为您将meter参数设置为0,所以正在触发快速更新。


在我进行此更改之前,LocationChanged每秒发射多次。 现在,它发射一次。 然后每隔2分钟,您会在状态栏上看到GPS图标,但除非您的位置发生变化,否则该事件不会触发。

我希望这有帮助。 这是为我修复的。 不必添加任何额外的逻辑来防止虚假火灾。



public class GPSlocationListener implements LocationListener 
    //member variables
    private Handler mParentHandler;//points to Handler of parent
    private long mTimeBetweenLocationEvents;
    private long mTimeOfLastLocationEvent;
    private boolean mAccuracyOverride;
    private float mLastAccuracy;
    private boolean mOverrideLocation;

    private static final float INVALID_ACCURACY = 999999.0f;
    private static final String TAG = "GPSlocationListener";

    public GPSlocationListener(Handler parentMsgHandler, long timeBetweenLocationEvents, boolean accuracyOverride)
        mParentHandler = parentMsgHandler;
        mTimeOfLastLocationEvent = 0;
        mAccuracyOverride = accuracyOverride;
        mLastAccuracy = INVALID_ACCURACY;
        mOverrideLocation = false;
        mTimeBetweenLocationEvents = timeBetweenLocationEvents;

    //EVENT: onLocationChanged()
    // send GPS coordinates to CommService
    public void onLocationChanged(Location loc)
        Log.d(TAG, "onLocationChanged() triggered. Accuracy = "+Float.toString(loc.getAccuracy()));
        mOverrideLocation = false;

        if (loc != null)
            //if a more accurate coordinate is available within a set of events, then use it (if enabled by programmer)
            if (mAccuracyOverride == true)
                //whenever the expected time period is reached invalidate the last known accuracy
                // so that we don't just receive better and better accuracy and eventually risk receiving
                // only minimal locations
                if (loc.getTime() - mTimeOfLastLocationEvent >= mTimeBetweenLocationEvents)
                    mLastAccuracy = INVALID_ACCURACY;

                if (loc.hasAccuracy())
                    final float fCurrentAccuracy = loc.getAccuracy();

                    //the '<' is important here to filter out equal accuracies !
                    if ((fCurrentAccuracy != 0.0f) && (fCurrentAccuracy < mLastAccuracy))
                        mOverrideLocation = true;
                        mLastAccuracy = fCurrentAccuracy;

            //ensure that we don't get a lot of events
            // or if enabled, only get more accurate events within mTimeBetweenLocationEvents
            if (  (loc.getTime() - mTimeOfLastLocationEvent >= mTimeBetweenLocationEvents)
                ||(mOverrideLocation == true) )
                //be sure to store the time of receiving this event !
                mTimeOfLastLocationEvent = loc.getTime();

                //send message to parent containing the location object
                Message msgToMain = mParentHandler.obtainMessage();
                msgToMain.what = Constants.MSG_LOCATION_CHANGED;
                msgToMain.obj = loc;

    public void onProviderDisabled(String provider)
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    public void onProviderEnabled(String provider)
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras)
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub



//create the APIthread (which exposes mAPIhandler back to this service)
mAPIthread = new APIthread(mApiHandler);

//use the LocationManager class to obtain GPS locations
locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);    

locationListener = new GPSlocationListener(mApiHandler, Constants.LOCATION_UPDATE_PERIOD_MSEC, true);

//this will call GPSlocationListener.onLocationChanged()
                                       //3 mins NOTE: approximate value
                                       //no distance updates desired
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/67403.html

上一篇: LocationManager calling onLocationChanged too often?

下一篇: Taking Screenshot using Selenium 3.6