Python: How to get a value of that is "timezone aware"?

I am trying to subtract one date value from the value of to calculate how long ago something was. But it complains:

TypeError: can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes

The value doesn't seem to be "timezone aware", while my other date value is. How do I get a value of that is timezone aware? Right now it's giving me the time in local time, which happens to be PST, ie UTC-8hrs. Worst case, is there a way I can manually enter a timezone value into the datetime object returned by and set it to UTC-8? Of course, the ideal solution would be for it to automatically know the timezone.

In the standard library, there is no cross-platform way to create aware timezones without creating your own timezone class.

On Windows, there's win32timezone.utcnow() , but that's part of pywin32. I would rather suggest to use the pytz library, which has a constantly updated database of most timezones.

Working with local timezones can be very tricky (see "Further reading" links below), so you may rather want to use UTC throughout your application, especially for arithmetic operations like calculating the difference between two time points.

You can get the current date/time like so:

import pytz
from datetime import datetime

Mind that and return the local time, not the UTC time, so applying .replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) to them would not be correct.

Another nice way to do it is:

which is a bit shorter and does the same.

Further reading/watching why to prefer UTC in many cases:

  • pytz documentation
  • What Every Developer Should Know About Time – development hints for many real-life use cases
  • The Problem with Time & Timezones - Computerphile – funny, eye-opening explanation about the complexity of working with timezones (video)

  • 在特定时区获取当前时间:

    import datetime
    import pytz
    my_date ='US/Pacific'))

    In Python 3, the standard library makes it much easier:

    >>> import datetime
    datetime.datetime(2016, 8, 26, 14, 34, 34, 74823, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)

    If you want a solution that uses only the standard library and that works in both Python 2 and Python 3, see JF Sebastien's answer.


    上一篇: Android:使用图像自定义离线地图

    下一篇: Python:如何获得的值是“时区感知”?