Windows Phone 8 (C++ Only)

Currently developing a Windows Phone 8 application in pure C++/Direct3D. We now need to access the Device Manufacturer name but it seems to only be available under C# which, according to my research is not accessible from this type of application.

This page lists some of the calls I would like to use:

// If only I could call this line from C++

Is there anyway to get this information without having to refactor the app as a XAML/C++ hybrid application which allows the base app to be C#.

不在Pure C ++ / Direct3D中,但是如果您将Direct3D与Xaml项目模板一起使用,您将能够实现这一点。


上一篇: 使用Windows Phone 8的C ++中的C#dll

下一篇: Windows Phone 8(仅限C ++)