No windows phone project template found

Ive got visual studio 2013 Ultimate RC 2 installed with windows phone 8.0 SDK.

There is no widnows phone project template. How can I get it ?

thank You very much for any help

I try to finish this tutorial but its impossible :(

I think that it can be the issue

thats why im looking for the way to run windows phone template and not windows store widnows phone template

If you don't have the Toolbox like this when you are in a Page you should repair your VS 2013


You can see here where you can find Windows Phone Project Templates under VS 2013 RC


You are probably creating a Windows Phone 8.1 Project which is different from Windows Phone 8.0. That's the reason. Check if you can see Windows Phone 8.0 emulators from target list.


上一篇: 在Windows Phone 8上使用Cookies

下一篇: 找不到windows phone项目模板