phonegap cache locally google maps static image

I'm doing an app that shows a Google Map via their static image api. In case the user has connection the map is taken with usual url "". Then I set it to be downloaded with on background, so the next time the user comes will have the map with or without connection.

The problem is that I can download many images but not the Google Maps, it gives an "invalid url" and I guess its because all the crap that the url has (lots of parameters, colons, pipes...)

This is an error for example:


Is there any way to handle this? The only option I've seen looking around is creating a proxy on my server that handles "pretty urls" but that would be a lot of middle man work for something this simple.


其实我有同样的问题,我通过将添加到应用程序白名单(Android中的res / config.xml文件,iPhone中的* .plist文件)


上一篇: 静态地图升级不能添加控制和指示

下一篇: phonegap缓存本地谷歌地图静态图像