google static map api works on host only after localhost

i have Simple API Access key for my website..
I have set and*..
i am using static map api in my website.ex:,92.7241781&size=300x300& key=mykey &sensor=false. .
when i am trying to access in page i got this message..
"The Google Maps API server rejected your request. This site or IP is not authorized to use this API key.".
But if load the same page with same api key in localhost using wamserver, it shows the map. .
After that it shows the map in website also if i load again .
why is it happening like this?.
can anyone solve my problem.
thanks in advance

Just confirm that you are putting the URL into the src tag of an IMG element?

Make sure you have enabled the static API for your personal key on the API console page:


上一篇: 如何在Android Textview中显示Google静态地图

下一篇: google静态地图api只能在localhost后在主机上运行