js setup fails connection refused etc

On Ubuntu 13.10, Emacs, using both quicklisp and package, I've tried to follow the setup instructions here:


and here:


...which I followed closest, using the "python -m SimpleHTTPServer 3000" in a terminal, as well as this setup-slime-js.el file (can't list more than two links) But this is the error I get:

Connecting to Swank on port 4005.. open-network-stream: make client process failed: connection refused, :name, SLIME Lisp, :buffer, nil, :host, localhost, :service, 4005, :nowait, nil

Any ideas what I've done wrong should do?

Have you tried to run python -m SimpleHTTPServer 4005?

If that does not work, I would advice you to link or post the relevant parts of setup-slime-js.el

I believe the problem might have been as simple as the fact that I mistakenly assumed that installing npm via Synaptic on Ubuntu would also install node. It didn't. Following the http://www.idryman.org/blog/2013/03/23/installing-swank-dot-js/ tutorial more closely got me to the slime node repl.

. . . but then these are the kinds of problems you get when you allow people like me to buy and operate computers. . . .

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/67616.html

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