How do you set Enum keys in a Map with annotations

I've an Enum class

public enum MyEnum{

than my 'Mick' class has this property

private Map<MyEnum, OtherObj> myMap;

I've this spring xml configuration.

<util:map id="myMap">
    <entry key="ABC" value-ref="myObj" />

<bean id="mick" class="com.x.Mick">
    <property name="myMap" ref="myMap" />

and this is fine.
I'd like to replace this xml configuration with Spring annotations.
Do you have any idea on how to autowire the map?

The problem here is that if I switch from xml config to the @Autowired annotation (on the myMap attribute of the Mick class) Spring is throwing this exception

nested exception is org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException: Key type [class com.MyEnum] of map [java.util.Map] must be assignable to [java.lang.String]

Spring is no more able to recognize the string ABC as a MyEnum.ABC object.
Any idea?


This worked for me...

My Spring application context:

<util:map id="myMap">
  <entry key="#{T(com.acme.MyEnum).ELEM1}" value="value1" />
  <entry key="#{T(com.acme.MyEnum).ELEM2}" value="value2" />

My class where the Map gets injected:

public class MyClass {

    private @Resource Map<MyEnum, String> myMap;

The important things to note are that in the Spring context I used SpEL (Spring Expression Language) which is only available since version 3.0. And in my class I used @Resource , neither @Inject (it didn't work for me) nor @Autowired (I didn't try this). The only difference I'm aware of between @Resource and @Autowired , is that the former auto-inject by bean name while the later does it by bean type.


This one gave me fits but I was able to piece it together using David's answer and some other links (below).

  • do not change the names of the properties in the MapFactoryBean declaration.
  • ensure that key-type attribute points to the enum that you want to use as a key in the map.
  • Class

    public class MyClass {
        private Map<MyEnum, ValueObjectInterface> valueMap;
        public void setValueMap(final Map<MyEnum, ValueObjectInterface> valueMap) {
            this.valueMap= valueMap;


        public enum MyEnum{
        FOO ("FOO"),
        BAR ("BAR"),
        BAZ ("BAZ");

    XML Config file:

    <bean id="valueMap" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MapFactoryBean">
        <property name="targetMapClass">
        <property name="sourceMap">
            <map key-type="">
              <entry key="FOO" value-ref="valueObject1" />
              <entry key="BAR" value-ref="valueObject2" />
              <entry key="BAZ" value-ref="valueObject3" />
    <bean id="valueObject1"  class="" />
    <bean id="valueObject2"  class="" />
    <bean id="valueObject3"  class="" />


  • Code Ranch
  • Spring MapFactoryBean example at
  • How assign bean's property an Enum value in Spring config file?

  • Application context

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns=""
    <bean id="myProvider" class="com.project.MapProvider">
        <property name="myMap" ref="myMap"/>
    <util:map id="myMap" key-type="com.project.MyEnum" value-type="com.project.ValueObject">
            <key><value type="com.project.MyEnum">FOO</value></key>
            <ref bean="objectValue1"/>

    Java class

    package com.project;
    public class MapProvider {
        private Map<MyEnum, ValueObject> myMap;
        public void setMyMap(Map<MyEnum, ValueObject> myMap) {
            this.myMap = myMap;

    上一篇: 如何覆盖Spring @Autowired的行为

    下一篇: 如何在包含注释的Map中设置Enum键