fft in python not showing peaks in right place

I'm trying to understand the numpy fft function, because my data reduction is acting weirdly. But now that I've transformed a simple sum of two sines, I get weird results. The peaks I have is extremely high and several points wide around zero, flattening the rest. Does anybody have a clue of what I might be doing wrong?

import numpy as np
from numpy import exp, sqrt, pi, linspace
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy as sp
import pylab

tdata = np.arange(5999.)/300
datay = 3*np.sin(tdata)+6*np.sin(2*tdata)
fouriery =  np.fft.fft(datay)

freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(datay.size, d=0.1)


What I get is this: 在这里输入图像描述 While it should have two sidepeaks on both sides, one of em 2x higher than the other

  • Your datay is real, so perhaps you should be taking a FFT for a real sequence using scipy.fftpack.rfft .
  • If you are looking for an FFT with two distinct peaks, then you must give it data which is the sum of sine waves whose terms have periods which are whole multiples of 2*pi/n , where n = len(datay) . If not, it will take many such sine waves to approximate the data.

  • import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import scipy.fftpack as fftpack
    pi = np.pi
    tdata = np.arange(5999.)/300
    datay = 3*np.sin(2*pi*tdata)+6*np.sin(2*pi*2*tdata)
    fouriery = fftpack.rfft(datay)
    freqs = fftpack.rfftfreq(len(datay), d=(tdata[1]-tdata[0]))
    plt.plot(freqs, fouriery, 'b-')


    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/67758.html

    上一篇: OCR与感知器神经网络Aforge.net答案错误

    下一篇: 在python fft没有在正确的地方显示高峰