Oracle install within PyDev

I am on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit Anniversary Edition using Python 3.5.2 (Anaconda 4.1.1). I download the latest Oracle 12c Instant Client and into C:instantclient and put C:instantclient on my PATH . Then I download the installer directly from PyPI .

Now I can start an Anaconda python prompt and type import cx_Oracle and it is successful.

>>> import cx_Oracle

By when I go into my PyDev installation on Eclipse Neon (4.6), the import cx_Oracle line in my source file still shows an error as an unresolved import.

  • I went into Windows > Preferences > PyDev > Interpreters > Python Interpreter and removed the Anaconda interpreter ( C:binanaconda3python.exe ) and added it back. I restarted Eclipse, but no luck.
  • I issued a Project > Clean on all my projects and restarted Eclipse. It still shows import cx_Oracle as an unresolved import.
  • How can I get PyDev to see my cx_Oracle package installation?

    Note that there are a lot of supposed answers that do not work for me; I've tried all the suggestions, as indicated above.

  • PyDev does not recognize imports
  • How To Make Eclipse Pydev Plugin Recognize Newly Installed Python Modules?
  • Force eclipse to reload Python modules
  • pydev doesn't find python library after installation

  • You can try this (after the steps that you already report in your question)

  • Check if the installation in PyDev is ok (besides showing an error marker for import cx_Oracle )

    import cx_Oracle
    conn = cx_Oracle.connect('hr/hr@pdborcl')
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute('select 13 from dual')
    for r in cur.fetchall():

    If this works, and prints (13,) the installation is correct. Likely some part of completion could work as well. In addition, Shift+Click on cx_Oracle should report The definition of ... was found at ... .

  • Go to Windows > Preferences > PyDev > Interpreters > Python Interpreter and on the tab Forced builtins add cx_Oracle

    After rebuilding the project, the error markers on the import should go away. (In the little test program I just did a trivial edit and saved.)

  • For the record:

    Eclipse Version: 4.6.0 (Neon)
    PyDev Version: 5.2.0
    Python: 3.5.2 (from a virtualenv)

    上一篇: 将LinkedList放入Intent extra时,会在下次活动中检索时重新映射到ArrayList

    下一篇: Oracle在PyDev中安装