Request object in Application

We currently use this line of code to get the current applications url in the Application_Start event.

string sApplicationURL = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Scheme + "://" 
                         + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority 
                         + HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath;

I just recently found out that in IIS7.0 the Request object is no longer available when the Application_Start event is fired.

Is there another way to get the current applications url without using the Request object?


Have a look at this:

In summary, the error occurs because the Request context is not longer available to the Application_Start event. This blog states two choices to deal with this error:

1) Change your code to work w/o Request, or 2) Modify your application to run in Classic Mode (not recommended).

To get the ApplicationPath, use HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath .

Microsoft has a all-in-one article on all breaking changes including this one,

Yes, its content somehow comes from (and the reason is simple).


上一篇: MVC4 StyleBundle不解析图像

下一篇: 申请中的请求对象