Migrate local TFS to Team Foundation Service

I am trying to migrate my local TFS server to http://tfs.visualstudio.com/. My goal is to preserve code history, work items and etc.

Does this feature exists and if it how to use it?

I've used the TFS Integration Platform to migrate between two TFS servers. The one issue you might run into is the check-in dates are reset to the day of the migration (basically what you are doing is checking in all of the code), but the original check-in date is recorded in the check-in comments.

I did this with a massive repo last year, follow the instructions here it works a treat:


链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/68044.html

上一篇: 错误TF30063:您无权访问... \ DefaultCollection

下一篇: 将本地TFS迁移到Team Foundation Service