C#: Implementing an Action+Event

I'm writing a Mafia (Werewolf)-style game engine in C#. Writing out the logic of an extended mafia game, the model:

A Player (Actor) has one or more Roles, and a Role contains one or more Abilities. Abilities can be Static, Triggered, or Activated (similar to Magic the Gathering) and have an "MAction" with 0 or more targets (in which order can be important) along with other modifiers. Some occur earlier in the Night phase than others, which is represented by a Priority.

MActions are resolved by placing them in a priority queue and resolving the top one, firing its associated event (which can place more actions on the queue, mostly due to Triggered Abilities) and then actually executing a function.

The problem I see with this approach is that there's no way for an MAction to be Cancelled through its event in this mechanism, and I see no clear way to solve it. How should I implement a system so that either MActions can be cancelled or that responses with higher Priorities end up executing first/delaying the initial MAction?

Thanks in advance. I've spent quite some time thinking (and diagramming) this through, can't quite get over this hurdle.

Would it be possible to implement a cancellation stack that is checked by each MAction function and only executes if the MAction you are trying to execute is not in that stack. That way any time an action is popped it would only do something if it wasn't canceled already.

The situation as I understand it:

You have a series of things that happen with complicated rules which decide the order of what happens, and the order of what happens decides the quality/magnitude of the effect.

First things first, in order to make your life easier I'd recommend you limit your players to making all their moves before action resolution takes place. Even if this model is abandoned later it should make it easier for you to debug and resolve the actions. This is especially true if later actions can undo the effects of earlier actions like in the following example:

Dave transforms to a werewolf because he triggers the Full Moon ability. Then with werewolf powers he jumps over a wall and bites Buffy. Before Buffy dies she activates her time reverse ability and kills Dave before he jumps over the wall.

Regardless, your dilemma makes me think that you need to use a rules engine like NRules1, or implement your own. The primary goal of the rules engine will be to order/discard the stuff that happens according to your business logic.

Next you put these actions into a queue/list. The actions are applied against the targets until the business rules tell you to stop (Werewolf Dave died) or there aren't any more actions to apply. Once you stop then the results of the battle/actions are reported to the user.

There are other ways to accomplish your goals but I think this will give you a viable pathway towards your end goal.

1: I've never used this library so I don't know if it is any good.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/68074.html

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下一篇: C#:实现一个Action +事件