commerce tracking with initial not last referrer

We have shareware product with 30 days trial period. Our product has a webinterface so users access it in a browser by typing http://localhost or http://192.168.1.XXX.

Usually customers come from organic search or referal sites, download the product, use it for 30 days. After that a license alert is shown, so customers click on a Buy button, go to the site and buy the product.

Google Analytics e-commerce tracking is implemented on the site and we get all transaction reports.

But reports are not right. Referrer source for purchase is usually local ip and time to purchase is less than 1 day. But it is not right.

Is it possible to track real first entrance referrer and real time to purchase?


be aware that Google Analytics measure devices, not real users . So if somebody starts a trial from one computer, and then somebody else (probably sitting in the purchasing department) comes to your website and converts, this will be reported as a new visitor with different visit source and time-to-purchase of 1 day. Bad for reporting, but technologically correct.

Have you tried MultiChannel Funnel reports? They might be helpful.

There is an ongoing discussion how to attributed the credit correctly, but I am afraid the complexity of this issue is too much for a thread here. For an introduction, I suggest your start with this brilliant article by Avinash.

However, consider storing the first visit source to custom dimension/custom variable and always store the last one into a different slot. Also, solutions like DirectMonster from LunaMetrics could increase the accuracy for your particular case.

Hope this helps.


上一篇: Google Analytics(分析)商店是否将数据发送到不存在的域名

下一篇: 电子商务跟踪与最初不是最后的引用