Why Google Analytics data doesn't match when date range is changed?

There is an issue I have seen with Google Analytics. When you are getting data from a short range, say a week, the data is not the same as when you see the same duration while getting data for a longer duration.

Sharing a sample:

I got this data from one of the reports. The data tells me the users who visited the specific section of my site last week.


Now when I check to compare the data of the same week with the previous week in the same report, I see a valley in the middle of the report.


This could be due to sampling. Hover over the shield like icon on top of the dashboard to know the sampling %.

Lower the sampling %, higher the deviation.

Your website seems to be receiving lot of traffic. You might want to switch over to a premium Google Analytics account to receive unsampled reports.

Sampling kicks in whenever you apply segments, secondary dimensions or create custom reports. https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2637192

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/68132.html

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