JavaFx and playing HD movies under Ubuntu

I have been developing an application in JavaFx 2.x which is able to play movies. For what I have understand, the only valid movie format supported by this platform is H.264/MPEG-4 . Now, under Windows it works pretty well, but when I run exact same code under Ubuntu - the FPS is noticeable. It's not a huge difference, but one can certainly spot it and thus - make watching uncomfortable.

I'm noticing it on my laptop (2xCores and built-in, standard VGA card), on PC (4xCores + ATI Radeon) it's less noticeable.

My question is - is there any way to improve this FPS factor under Linux ? Maybe choosing some special distribution? Maybe installing some other codecs? Maybe it's JavaFx 2.x under Linux thing and will be improved in this regard?

the only valid movie format supported by this platform is H.264/MPEG-4.

The platform also supports the VP6 codec.

There is a Stack Overflow answer which summarizes JavaFX 2.1 video playback capabilities and considerations. The answer includes a sample application which plays back of a VP6 encoded video.

Maybe it's JavaFx 2.x under Linux thing and will be improved in this regard?

Could be, JavaFX on Linux is just a developer preview at the moment.

under Windows it works pretty well, but when I run exact same code under Ubuntu - the FPS is noticeable.

Try the latest JavaFX developer preview. If you are still getting choppy framerates under Ununtu then create a jira issue, attaching your short video and short sample player code.


上一篇: IO流是否便携?

下一篇: JavaFx并在Ubuntu下播放高清电影