Python Best Practices: Abstract Syntax Trees

Modifying Abstract Syntax Trees

I would like to be able to build and modify an ast and then optionally write it out as python byte code for execution later without overhead.

I have been hacking around with the ast docs for python3.0 and python2.6 , but I can't seem to find any good sources on best practices for this type of code.


What are some best practices and guidelines for modifying abstract syntax trees in python?


Unknown states that byteplay is a good example of such a library.

Also, benford cites GeniuSQL which uses abstract syntax trees to transform python code to SQL.

Other than the manual and the source code, you are on your own. This subject and python bytecode are very undocumented.

Alternatively you could try using this python bytecode library which I have heard good thing about but haven't tried it yet:

我认为geniusql正在沿着这些路线做一些事情来将ast转换成sql ...有一个关于它的讨论,但我找不到它 - 而且我也不允许链接:-(


上一篇: F#解析抽象语法树

下一篇: Python最佳实践:抽象语法树